Alhamdulillah, tonight is the 17th day of Ramadhan. In Indonesia, this night is widely celebrated as Nuzulul Quran (the descending of qur'an).
Ramadhan is so special because it is not only a month when the gate of heaven is widely open, but also because it has two special days: Nuzulul Quran and Lailatul Qadar. Nuzulul Quran falls on the 17th night of Ramadhan. It is always celebrated widely in Indonesia. It is believed that the holy Quran was first granted to the great prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on the 17th night of Ramadhan. Meanwhile, Lailatul Qadar is a night of a thousand months. Lailatul Qadr means The Night of Power, or the Night of Decree. It is a spiritual glory that is yearned by those who fast. It is a mystical sacred night which is eagerly waited for by those who fast during the month of Ramadhan.
The prophet Muhammad SAW said," The night of Laitul Qadar happens on one night of the last 10 nights of Ramadhan.” It is said that the signs of night of Lailatul Qadar are among others:
- The night is always calm, not too warm and not too cold
- The sun during the day is pale
- On the night Jibril willl greet (Salam) those who stay up during the night to perform the salat, dua or zikir and they will feel kind of sadness and will cry incessantly suddenly
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) has explained how special Lailatul Qadr is in the Qur'an:
"Surely we have revealed the Qur'an on the Night of Al-Qadr; The Night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months;The Angels and the Spirit (Jibrael) Descend in it by their Lords' permission, with every decree. Peace it is, until the break of Dawn."
[Surah Al-Qadr, 97: 1-5]
Therefore, during the last ten days of Ramadhan, muslims all over the world will increase their ‘ibadah’ by staying up late to read The Holy Book, dzikir, and other ibadah. All with one longing…that is to be blessed in the night of power... to get closer to The Lord of all kings.
Malam Seribu Malam
Dalam hening malam, aku bersujud
Menghiba pinta dengan cemas
Mengharap kasih agar berbalas
Menanti kekasih agar bergegas
Dalam sunyinya malam,
larut hati dalam lantunan kalam,
bergetar jiwa dalam basuhan dzikir,
saat bisikan rembulan mengalir,
menguntai simponi dalam melodi ruhani,
bersiap menyambut tamu teristimewa,
Engkaulah bulan terelok sepanjang abad
Engkaulah kekasih ternanti jutaan hati
Engkaulah tambatan cinta paling abadi
Engkaulah pengukir janji sejati
Wajahmu rupawan tiada cela
sinarmu terang tiada noda
pesonamu menggoda setiap mata
tatapanmu syahdu laksana lukisan suarga
Dalam hening aku menanggis
Menghiba pinta dengan cemas
melantunkan alunan kalam sepenuh hati
agar bersua kesempurnaan malam tiada dua