Last Wednesday was my lucky day...my husband agreed to take me to Cinema to watch Twilight...I've been waiting long to see this film...an adaption of Stephenie Meyer's novel with the same title....I haven't read the novel but seeing the tagline of the movie poster had triggered my curiosity...steering my heart.... "When you can live forever, what do you live for?" ...Ehm, it's always interesting to see about vampires...a legend... a myth that may be imprinted deeply in the society, east and west. And it's most romantic film I've ever seen ...almost left deep impression like when I watched The Tale of Two Cities...about true love (not just physicall love) that goes beyond our imagination...strong and last forever...a sacrifice for the one we dearly love...now I become to mellow, lol.
Why I love this film?
1. There's a strong moral lesson in here : the battle between evil and good will always exist in our world and in our heart. We have control of what we choose whether it is evil we choose or good ...this struggle will last forever until we no longer breathe.
2. Sex before marriage is opposed by the main character... Edward Cullen, the vampire always tried to keep Bella pure because he loved her so much ...that what make the love affair of Bella and Edward (the forbidden love between a human and a vampire) is so pure and magical :-) I just love the way Edward becoming so protective over Bella...even he goes against the codes adhered strongly by his clan.
3. The amazing scenes throughout the movie:
- the one i like best was when Edward with Bella on his back climbed at speed from one tree to another (almost like flying) until he landed her at the highest tree where they both were enchanted by the landscape below...the fast amazing lake and trees...it was awesome...
- my second choice was when the Cullens invited Bella to play softball with them under the thundering roar and lightning....
The film was opened by the narration of Isabella Swan or Bella unfolding her story...her almost encounter with the death. Isabella Swan moved from Phoenix to Forks, after her mother remarried. Much to her discomfort for she had to stay in a remote small town with her long unseen father, Charlie. It's been years after she spent her time with her dad at Forks but until her mother settled with her new husband, she stucked to that small town. She later was reintroduced again wih her long childhood playmate, Jacob, an Indian and his father.
First day at school, she already gained popularity as newcomer who attracted boys to flock around her. It was the first time she met with the Cullens...appearing all in white and stood alooft from the rest of the students...
"That's Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and jasper Hale. The one who left was Alice Cullen; they all live together with Dr. Cullen and his wife" said one of her new friends. It's the first time her eyes met Edward's and something steered both.
When Bella entered biology class, she had to sit next to Edward as her partner in the class. Bellla noiced that her presence somehow bothered him a lot as if she was so repulsive that he had to leave class for days afterwards. Feeling so uneasy with his action, Bella decided to confront him and asked him what made him so hating her but Edward did not show up for days.
Later on, when she entered the class, Edward sat still in his seat...giving her a smile and made reintroduction to her saying that he was so sorry he did not make proper introduction with her. He said he was outside town for days for personal matters. From then on, their relationship got closer but Bella still sensed he hid something from her. When Bella stood next to her car, a car lost its control and rushed at speed towards her...it was when Edward just showed on time to stopped the car with his bare hands and saved her life...the scene shocked Bella...Edward's speed and power was beyond man. Anytime she had the chance she asked him how could he do such things but he always eluded the questions...Edward got annoyed and asked Bella to stay away from him...saying that he;s too dangerous for her...
From Jacob, Bella learnt about the local myth about the Quileutes, the Cold ones, the blood drinkers who were enemies to Jacob's people who were said in legend the descendants of the werewolf. It was long time ago that his great grandfather made a truce with the pact beacuse they did not drik human blood but animal's. Jacob said the Cullens were the same with the Cold Ones. The story haunted her and she made a search in the net and library about the legend.
One day, Bella's two friends wanted her company to find dresses for prom at port los angeles...it was happened to be the place where Bella wanted to search for the book about the legend. They parted and promised to meet at a nearby restaurant...Bella bought the book about the cold ones. On her way back to meet her friends, some guys tried to bully her...she was panic and struggled from their attack. In the critical time, Edward raced in his car and saved her once again....he decided to take her home. It's in the car Bella accidentally touched his fingers that felt like ice...her suspicious got stronger.
Meantime, Forks suffered from what was supposed to be animal attacks. Two people had been attacked, one of them was Charlie's best friend. Bella was so worried about her father. He got closer to him by now...she knew already by now how much her father loved her and her love for him grew stronger.
Unable to restrain her curiosity, Bella confronted Edward about what he was. She led him to the wood and told him she knew what he was...saying that all signs matched....his changing eyes color, his strenght, his cold hands, and his retreat from sunny days...Edward could no longer conceal his identity...at speed he carried Bella up to the mountain...there,under the glistening sunrays, Edward bathed himself under the sunlight and his skin turned like glistening jewels...He confessed that he was a vampire ...all of the Cullens...but they did not hunt humans...they drank animals's blood. But when he met Bella, he could not resist her scent and blood...that's why he was absence for days after their first encounter. He said she must stay away from him as he was far too dangerous and he did not know whether he could hold his appetite near her...
Bella was not scared for she knew she fell in love with him from their first sight. She would bear the consequences and she was not afraid of him...she feared of losing him...from then on Bella was a part of the Cullens.
There were awkward moment when Edward took Bella to his home to meet the rest of his family. His families busied preparing meal for her...cooking at the kitchen ...impatient for her arrival...but when Bella came, Edward told them that she already ate. Rosalie flashed in anger ...but Alice was so sweet...Allice could read the future...she told her that oneday she would become like them.
Edward took Bella outside...rescuing her from the uneasiness...He carried her on his back and hoped from one tree to another...it's the most scene I like...Edward officially introduced himself with Charlie...asking his permission to go out with Bella...he took Bella to play softball with the Cullens. This was when disaster came... A pact of nomadic vampires, James, Victoria, and Laurent found them. Edward told Bella to stay close behind him and wore a hat to conceal her scent because James was a good hunter. It's them who killed in the Forks. When everthing seemed go fine, a gushing wind blew Bella's hair and instantly her scent was discovered by the packs. Now, Bella's life would be in a great danger for James would not stop until he got her.
The cullens arranged strategy to mislead the pact...Laurent was not a problem for he feared James and Victoria as well ...saying that their ways were too dangerous for the whole clan. Edward regreted deeply that he brought Bella to this situation...he swore he would do anything to make her safe again...the hunting began...Edward told Bella to leave her home immediately but Bella insisted that she must see Charlie before she departed...It broke her heart to having say rude words to Charlie...saying that she could no longer live with him...but she had no other option to make him let go.
Jasper and Alice escorted Bella to a safe place while Emmet, Rosalie, and Edward tried to divert James...Carlyle and Esme were to protect Bella's father...the plan failed when James knew it was a trick. He tracked down Bella's location...threathening her to come alone if she wanted to see her mother alive...Bella run away from Jasper and Alice to meet James...her life was in a great danger...James was merciless...but Bella never regreted her decision to choose Edward...to love him... What about her fate? Will she die or survive? And will she be able to live with Edward? You have to watch the film yourself...dont wanna spoil the story, lol.
I really enjoyed the film...it's so romantic. It differs from other western romantic movies which often filled with only lust and physicall love (touch). It reminds me of Sarah Teasdale's poem The Look
Strephon kissed me in the spring
Robin in the Fall
Collin only looked at me
and never kissed at all
Strephon's kiss was lost in jest
Robin's lost in play
But the kiss in Collin's eyes
Haunts me night and day
-Sara Teasdale
Btw, I've already collected the Twilight Saga. Now, in this long holliday I hope i could read them all, lol. There are four books Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn...cant wait to know the ending