Once again, another sad story is added into the cataloque of our migrant workers life overseas. Despite the alluring wealth, jobs and moneys, our migrant workers are always prone to domestic violences ranging from brutal torture to rape. Despite, some success stories of those returning home, many suffer not only atrocities but also emotional trauma that will not heal for such a long time. Their stories are sad and heartbreaking, sometimes inflicting pain in our humanity. It raises question on how a human being is capabale of doing so much evil as well as show so much love for so much good? Are we are just a thinking animals? capable of doing brutality and atrocities worse than animals? what is the nature of man? Is he evil by nature? Is he born a sinner?Is he the most intelligent animal with a sense of morality?
I remember a film I saw long ago, a battle between good and evil. A memorable quote I get in this movie is " A friend of mine once wondered. what makes a man a man? Is it his origins? The way he comes to life? I don't think so. It's the choices he makes. Not how he starts things, but how he decides to end thema man is a man by the choices he make". It's the choices we make in our life that define our existence. It's the choice whether to follow our conscience or to spoil our dormant evils residing within us. Man is given the freedom to choose his path. One is path is leading into actions for pursuing power, wealth, fame, or any other sensory pleasures by putting aside any moral values, divinity, and ethical principles. This path will plunge man into the lowest of the low, turning him into an animal worse than a beast.
Another path is leading into goodness governed by divinity, moral values, and ethical principles. Sometimes this path is full of thorn and thisles. The road is long and winding, with sharp coral ravines in both sides. Survive this path, we will surely receive a rewarding result. Not only, we are able to prove that we can reach our maximum capacity of our humanity but also we win our war.
Bad or evil is not inherited nor branded into our flesh once we are born. Rather, it's the outcome of the long process of our struggles in making the choices in life. God has said ""We have indeed created man in the best of molds. Then do We abase him (to be) the lowest of the low. Except such as believe and do righteous deeds: for they shall have a reward unfailing." [At-Tin, 95]