Monday, March 24, 2008

I Saw My Brothers

I saw my brothers on one crimson day

Hopes hung on their faces

Of a promised peace

In this land of what he called an evil axis

Free from fear

And free of expressing speech

Then on that very crimson day

I saw my brothers

Wept in tears of blood

Their shadows had been forcedly taken

By he who had made a false promise

It was nothing but another terror

Of darkness that sent a creeping tremor

Then on that crimson day

I saw my brothers roared

With cracking voice of a strangled man

Right in front of him

Questioned this war

That brought nothing but misery

“Oh, you deceitful beast,

It’s war you threw on our feet

It’s human sacrifice forced on us by your fleet

It’s our souls you put on stake

It’s our children you murdered daily…”

“Oh, you loathsome false angel

Take back your war

Lick back your promise of betrayal

For you’re no angel but a disgrace to humanity”

Then on that very crimson day

I saw my brothers

Within his last breath

Lost in the rain of bullets

Shattered in volcanic machine weapons

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