Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Life is but an adventurous exploration

Of an uncharted land of the unknown maze

To find the ultimate path leading to another sphere

One prickly road, one easy plain road

With nothing but the map of life to guide

A constant traveler you will be

Let not foolish pride gets on your way

Let not anger and greediness blindfold you

Let not imprudence and reckless action sink you

When dark threads besiege you

Be not lured into their lethal trap

Within the maze of life

You grow and flourish

Thrive within each step you take

Learn the lesson well, survive you will be

Ignore the signs, at a lost you will be

Forever trapped within the maze

A prey for hungry predators

Of jealousy and foolish arrogance

Of mortal weakness for worldly joys

Within the maze of life

We are but wanderers

Forever in search of the eternal flame

That is hidden in the rare sunna of hikmah

Forged into rare sparkling gems of wisdom

That illuminate along the way

To escort you to the end of the journey

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