Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Grieve Not Forever My Friend

You stood in silence,

Mourning over your lost love,

Till your tears have reached the seas,

And words were drown in crashing waves,

Seagulls shrieked in unison upon the shore,

... As you said him your final goodbye,

Sooner, the earth would take him in her sweet tenderness,

Stands of your coal black hair fell over your face,

Eyes locked far into the horizon,

Over the golden tendrils licking the reddish skies,

Frozen in such state of beautiful grace,

Before twilight reigned the universe,

Just like the eclipse of your heart,

When the love of your life went to heaven,

Dearest friend of mine,

Let me hold you close,

Be your shoulders to cry on,

Grieve along over your sorrows and woes,

Yet, let me say words I’ve heard from wisemen,

The night would soon be replaced by morn’

Twilight would soon be replaced by dawn,

Part of him would live on,

forever carved deep inside your heart,

The days keep coming without fail

A new wind is gonna find your sail

That's where your journey starts,

And I will come all the way down with you,

As we remember him with such clarity,

He will forever be within our hearts,

(dedicated to my beloved Friend, Faridda Mutimmah who had just lost her husband today)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

KRL Oh KRL ... Tetap Dicinta Meskipun Sering Dicela

Saat terbangun pagi ini, bumi masih berselimut gelap ditingkahi gerimis yang mengalir tipis. Nampaknya, sang hujan yang telah mengguyur sejak semalam masih belum puas menumpahkan rindunya yang mengiris. Udara dingin menyergap tulang saat air wudhu menyentuh kulit. Hujan pagi yang identik dengan macet di Jakarta sontak menyegerakanku melipat selimut dan bergegas cepat. Dalam hitungan menit pun, suami tercinta yang gesit, menerjang kabut pagi dan membelah jalan yang mulai dipadati kendaraan pribadi, motor, atau pun angkot. Untungnya, gerimis telah menyingkir pergi seakan malu menatap rona mentari pagi yang mulai tersenyum manis. Alhamdulillah, sesampainya di stasiun, Komuter Line Depok-Jakarta keberangkatan 5.57 belum datang sehingga ada harapan dapat tempat duduk meskipun harus berebut. Maklum, sifat KRL yang moody alias suka-sukanya, seringkali memaksaku berdiri satu jam atau lebih jika terjadi gangguan atau ada KRL ngadat. Saat kereta merapat ke peron, dengan sigap aku melompat, dan berlomba dengan puluhan roker (sebutan keren ROmbongan KEReta) saling memepet dan menyerempet. Tidak sia-sia berangkat lebih awal, saat aku berhasil duduk manis di sebelah Bapak tua yang bersepatu karet.

Seperti biasa kereta penuh sesak, dan aku menenggelamkan diri dalam pusaran cerita novel terbitan terbaru novelis kesayangan. Kereta mulai mendengus menuju Jakarta, derikan roda dan rel makin keras karena penumpangnya penuh sesak, berjejal, dan berhimpit-himpitan. Di setiap stasiun, naga besi ini pun kembali berhenti dan membius para roker dengan hisapan liak liuknya yang menjanjikan perjalanan bebas hambatan tercepat. Selang 20 menit, udara di dalam gerbong semakin pengap dan lengket. Saat itulah, aku baru tersadar bahwa selepas stasiun Lenteng Agung, naga besi ini mulai memelankan liukannya seakan tersedak besi panas. AC pun mati sehingga mengubah gerbong penuh sesak ini menjadi sauna gratis. Sebagian roker mulai gelisah dan dengan kipas seadanya mulai berusaha menghalau hawa panas yang mengganas. Pria perlente yang dari awal berdiri tepat di depanku mulai sibuk menelpon kantornya sambil mendengus kesal karena terpaksa datang terlambat. Sebagian lain mulai sibuk mencari informasi gerangan apakah yang terjadi lewat smart phone, BBM, atau pun sms. Seperti biasa, petugas PT KAI yang mengendalikan naga besi ini seakan menutup mata, telinga, dan mulut. Para roker seakan dibiarkan terlantar tanpa informasi apa pun, apalagi ungkapan sepatah kata maaf. Walhasil, banyak gosip berhembus kencang, mulai dari adanya gangguan listrik di Stasiun Tanjung Barat, gangguan sinyal kereta karena hujan, sampai kereta ekonomi yang mogok sebelum sempat merapat.

Sejam berlalu sudah. Naga besi masih anteng dalam dengkuran sementara para roker mulai dicekam rasa cemas. Mentari pagi mulai meradang galak saata sinarnya menyengat kulit yang terpapar. Bau gerbong yang awalnya masih semerbak wangi karena aroma deodorant, parfum, dan cologne yang masih fresh, kini berubah asem dan apek bercampur dengan keringat yang membanjir deras. Bau campur aduk ini semakin menambah pengap hawa sehingga memaksa penumpang membuka paksa sejumlah jendela. Ah…lega rasanya saat udara luar yang relatif masih segar menyergap masuk. Sejurus kemudian, naga besi menggeliat. Sontak penumpang bersorak girang, dan hilang rasa was-was. Namun, kekecewaan kembali menghantam pedas saat sang naga besi kembali membisu, merampas harapan yang sempat tergores.

Jarum jam menunjukkan pukul 08.00. Dua jam sudah, para roker tersandera dalam perut sang naga besi yang semakin memanas. Menunggu tanpa kepastian dan kejelasan memang merupakan suatu bentuk siksaan yang sadis. Apalagi, dengan kondisi udara yang pengap dan berdiri berjam-jam tanpa bisa bergerak bebas. Perut pun mulai protes karena belum terisi dari pagi. Kondisi yang memprihatinkan ini memaksa sebagian penumpang berpindah haluan. Ada yang ‘mutung’ alias patah arang dan kembali pulang. Ada yang masih bersemangat baja, dan mencoba mencari alternatif angkutan lain menuju kantor. Ada pula yang masih bertahan seperti saya ditemani imajinasi novel sembari menunggu naga besi terbangun. Detik, menit, dan jam pun berlalu. Gerbong kereta pun mulai melenggang sepi karena ditinggalkan para roker. Saat jam menunjuk angka 08.35, sang naga besi pun akhirnya tersentak bangun dan mulai melaju kencang. Decit bunyi roda besi beradu dengan rel ditingkahi klakson masinis yang nyaring menggema. “Tut..tut..tut..tut,” gelegar sang naga besi hingga akhirnya berhasil berlabuh di Stasiun Tanjung Barat, dan Pasar Minggu. Bukannya menipis, jumlah penumpang bahkan semakin membludak melebihi kapasitas hingga meluber sampai ke atap. Hawa semakin panas, peluh membanjir deras, dan kaki semakin menegang keras. Dari sudut ekor mataku, sempat kulihat seorang ibu muda jatuh pingsan sesampai di stasiun Duren Kalibata. Sebagian lain mencoba bertahan meskipun penat dan pegel menghantam dengan beringas. Meskipun seluruh badannya ditunggagi para roker yang emosinya mengganas, sang naga besi masih mampu melenggok anggun dengan kecepatan nan tinggi.

Sesampai Stasiun Sudirman, para roker langsung merangsek keluar. Peluh yang membanjir terseka sepoi angin pagi yang masih berbaik hati menggalir pelan. Perjuangan masih belum berhenti sampai di sini karena para roker harus bergegas berganti moda transportasi lain menuju tempat kerja. Sebagian masih sibuk mencari surat keterangan ke petugas stasiun yang menegaskan adanya keterlambatan kereta untuk diserahkan ke atasan sebagai pendukung absensi yang meradang merah. Sebagian lain melesat bak anak panah mengejar metromini atau kopaja yang lewat. Siapa sangka bangun pagi buta dan berangkal lebih awal justeru berakhir dengan ‘datang terlambat.’ PT KAI seperti biasa selalu memutar lagu lama alias ‘ngeles abis’ atas keluhan buruknya pelayanan dan jadwal yang selalu molor. Para roker sebagai konsumen yang dirugikan lagi-lagi harus menelan pil pahit bahwa keluhan klasik akan selamanya dilayangkan tanpa hasil meskipun telah puluhan tahun membuktikan kesetian dan keloyalan mereka sebagai roker sejati. Ibaratnya para roker ini sudah terlanjur cinta mati dengan sang pujaan hati, si naga besi, namun sang jantung hati ‘ogah-ogahan’ karena merasa menang di atas angin. Para roker cuma bisa berucap “aku masih cinta” meskipun tanpa kepastian kapan pelayanan PT KAI akan meningkat .

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Catching Fire...

Catching Fire is the second book of Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games trilogy. All the good qualities in the first book still echoes throughout this sequel. Catching Fire brings on the flame, hurtling through the revelations and heart-stopping twist. Once reading the book, it’s hard to put it down...You want to know how it ends... You might even suffer an adrenaline rush as the story moves on. It's just as exciting and electrifying as The Hunger Games. Whereas, in the first novel, Katniss, has to struggle all by herself to preserve her life, in this sequel, she has to build alliance with other tributes to save Peeta’s life. Unlike Rue, her alliances in here are much more deliberate and intentional. That's what makes it hard sometimes to watch the characters dear to us get killed one by one since we have developed certain affection for them during the alliance. Although the plot is partially a replication of the first book, it differs in setting, supporting characters, and atmosphere nuanced politically. The second game is deliberately designed to crush the symbol of rebellion, Katniss Everdeen-the Mockingjay, through Quartel Quell. It is a reminder for all districts in Panem "that even the strongest amongst them fall down". Therefore, the surrounding situation in the games gives more nerve-racking stroke and every action, big or small, has meaning and serious repercussions.

Having returned to their home District, Katniss and Peeta were haunted by nightmares of the brutal deaths in the arena. Their guaranteed comfort and luxurious life following their victory was hardly triumphant, knowing that President Snow was keeping keen eyes on their every move. The source of Snow’s outrage was Katniss’ defiance during the first game. Her act of defiance in attempting a double suicide at the end of the Games forced the Gamemaker to allow both her and Peeta to live. Without her awareness, she has now become a symbol for rebellion in the Districts. The dire circumstances worsened because Katniss was confused by her feelings for Peeta and Gale, her hunting partner and oldest friend.

During The Victory Tour designed to remind the people in the Districts of the power of the Capitol, Katniss and Peeta had done acts that provoked sparks of riot in District 11, home for Rue and Thresh. Peeta had offered to donate a portion of his Victory winnings to Rue's family, and also Thresh's, the other fallen District 11 tribute. When their speeches concluded, an old man whistled the tune that Rue used in the Hunger Games arena to signal Katniss she was safe. The song prompted everyone to salute Katniss with the same gesture she used to bid farewell to Rue. It wasn’t long for them to realize that this action would bring repercussion to those they loved. Other uprisings have broken in several districts where life was much more oppressed. Panem was on the brink of chaos. President Snow was ever determined to quench these uprisings.

Before long, President Snow announced that, for the 75th Hunger Games, as part of the "Quarter Quell”, a special edition of the Games every quarter-century, tributes would be reaped from a pool of all living Victors of past Hunger Games, one male and one female from each district. It was obvious the changing rule targeted Katniss as retribution since she was the only living female survivor from 12. When Haymitch, their mentor, was chosen as male tribute, Peeta volunteered in his place to protect Katniss. Desperate to prepare, the trio began training and studying the winning tactics of past victors. To survive, Haymitch, strongly advised them to take allies of other tributes.

Arriving at the Capitol, Katniss and Peeta got to learn about the other tributes among others Finnick Odair, a 24-year-old man who successfully survived the Games at age 14, and Mags, Finnick's 80-year-old mentor who voluntereed for Annie (Finick’s girlfriend), both from District 4. They also made alliance with Beetee and Wiress, older tributes from District 3 who were said to be "exceptionally smart" and adept at working with electronics. Also they met Johanna Mason who had a unique character, and despised the Capitol bluntly. Before the Games resumed, Peeta, desperate to save Katniss, revealed to the audience, that Katniss was pregnant. It was a lie to win the hearts of the audience, to gain symphaty for her.

China was still appointed as Katniss’ Prep team who as always designed unforgettable and extraordinary outfit for her. As a protest of her being forced into the arena again, China designed a Mockingjay costume which instantly sparked anger over the Capitol. Katniss also learnt that the former Gamemaker, Seneca Crane, was hung after the first game. During the party, she met the new Gamemaker, Plutarch Heavensbee, who within a brief moment showed her a mockingjay watch. She was later realized how the arena of the game was devised. Seconds before her launch to the arena, Katniss was forced to see China beaten and bloodied by the peacekeepers. It was an act of repercussion resulting from his defiance of creating mockingjay outfit.

In the arena, Katniss was soon joined by Finnick whom the readers easily to love. He's the flamboyant casanova. Several times, he helped saving Peeta's life. His loyalty to protect Mags touched the readers' heart. It was heartbreaking to see him helpless to choose Peeta or Mags until Mags sacrificed herself for Peeta. Soon, their alliance was joined by Johana, Betee and Wires. Together, they had to outsmart the clock-woven arena, and fought other tributes from district 1, 2 and 3. Each time zone was trapped with devious cruel torments to kill them. The game makers controlled the vast, forested arena: they’re announcing the death of a tribute, organising sweeping poisonous forest fog or releasing terrifying monkey mutations. It only heightened our awareness of how cruel and callous the Games really were, as the gamers deliberately set out to inflict horrific deaths on the tributes. As the story progressed, Katniss realized something was amist in the alliance. The others were keeping secrets from her and Peeta. She found out only after it was too late.

All in all, I love the book as much as the first. It keeps me reading for days before I finish, and wants for more. Collins is brilliant in adapting the classic horrifying combination of gladiatorial combat and reality TV that really squeeze her readers’ emotion.

Monday, June 4, 2012


my heart burst in agony,
unbearable pain of uncertainty,
O,  how we end up in this endless circle of confusion,
having no idea of the state we were in,
whether love stil existed within,
while our beings were farther apart,

O, how it hurts a lot,
as if tons rocks collapsed on top of us,
of not knowing each other after what we've been through,
of the love that won't last,
leaving trails of scars and broken heart,
when we stand so close but souls get so distant,

I know I have a fickle heart and a bitterness,
that makes things so much worse,
O, but how can I curb my mortal needs,
for being the source of my flame,
when you slowly extiguish the fire,
how can I not walk away,

O, how it hurts a lot,
when the flame dies away,
and you still cling on me,
how can I not fall into pieces,

Beautiful Heart

How can a heart contain of so much pain,

carved in rough jagged edges,
mutilated in so many pieces,
leaving spaces to fill in,
yet, it shines and keeps on beating
just waiting right there,
for other pieces to patch the empty space,
insignia of love and give,

How can a heart pulsate in such vigor,
while it keeps on bleeding red,
no matter how much patches stitched to seal the wound,
it never hesitates to cut a piece of the already charred heart,
expecting nothing in return,
yet, despite the many scars,
its beauty radiates and glows,
offering lights even in the darkest days