Thursday, December 26, 2013

On Mothers’ Day: Tribute to My Mum

Mother may be not the most glamorous or fashionable word in our dictionary. Yet, people around the world have voted it the most beautiful world in the English language. Yes, indeed it is most beautiful in all languages. The word brings a surreal feeling of comfort, love and warmth.
On Mothers’ Day, my thoughts and prayers are with this incredible personage in my life. She may not be perfect and vulnerable with weaknesses. Yet, within this imperfection, lies her grace and might. Words seem fail to properly describe her. I am eternally indebted to her and will never be able to repay the debt.
In this humble attempt at portraying my Mum, I will be extremely subjective and biased. I cannot be otherwise because no one in my growing years nurtured and encouraged me more. She is the sun that always gives, and never takes. And she is home where my heart is.
Sweat, endurance, love and comfort are what I think of in relation to my Mum. She is always resourceful to eke out a living on the thin crust of bread and butter. Not a day passed by without her sweating all day long to sustain our family. Thus, she taught me the importance of standing on my own two feet. She taught me not to sweat over trivial matters, as life is too precious to complaint about.
“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less,” She would say it while nurturing our dying neighbor or caring for the newly born baby.
She was busy as a beaver, juggling between her laborious work to help supporting my family’s meager income and domestic chores. Even so, whenever there’s a neighbor in need, without any hesitation she would jump in to help. Despite her limited education, my neighbors consider her a natural caregiver. She has such a gentle heart.
Her exceptional character never ceases to amaze me. Recently, my dad suffered a hemorrhage stroke that paralyzed his left side. He went from being a super-energetic, fit elderly to a half-paralyzed invalid. He also suffered the emotional lability, feeling helpless dependent that made him upset easily. He is man-child and my Mum patiently cares for him.
She has to act as a nurse and physical therapist as well as encouraging my dad to achieve self-confidence, motivation, and independence. She understood in her own ways my dad’s limitations and allowed an appropriate time for recovery. The tiring, endless demands and stresses do not seem to falter my Mum’s remarkable devotion for my dad.
She would sit by his side day and night, attending to every of his needs without any complaints. She recited the verses my dad loved the most. She encouraged him to keep on exercising his left hand and leg to speed up his recovery. Often, my father snapped. Yet, instead of responding to the remark negatively, she would restraint her own emotions and tolerate it. I wish I could have half of such loyalty.
I know she has to handle this new life-change emotionally and hold up physically amid the sleepless nights as a caregiver. Then, there’s the additional stress of not knowing, because all strokes are different, how long and how full the recovery will be. Thank God, my elder sister has come to live my parents to help.
On this Mothers’ Day, I would love to dedicate this piece of writing for my incredible Mum. This is a way to express my love for my Mum. I guess it was easy when I was young and innocent just to say “I Love You Mum” and gave a big warm hug. It gets harder when my life becomes filled with new duties and obligation.
To express my love for  my Mum, let me quote Kahlil Gibran’s The Broken Wings, that portrays a child’s deepest respect for a Mother:
“The most beautiful word on the lips of mankind is the word "Mother," and the most beautiful call is the call of "My mother." It is a word full of hope and love, a sweet and kind word coming from the depths of the heart. The mother is every thing -- she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness.”

I love you Mum! Happy Mothers’ Day!

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