Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Cinderella Dreams: The Allure of Lavish Wedding

My eyebrows knitted together, bemused reading the recent brouhaha related to the extravagant wedding procession of the famous presenter Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina. The lavish wedding that was broadcast live on one of the national TV for two days drew so many criticisms. Some argued it has violated the public’s rights to have beneficial news coverage instead of such wasteful display of luxury and urged the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) to issue a strict warning for the TV channel. Some defended that it was the constitutional rights of the couple to have it aired. The public could also have learnt the delicate Javanese traditional wedding ceremony up close.

Well, for me personally, it’s a bit like childish reaction. I mean c’mon there’s no violence, pornography or any disturbance contents in the procession. If you don’t like it, just switch the channel the way I do! I do not take pleasures or any bits of enjoyment watching such intimate wedding ceremony or any other celebrities’ gossips aired by so many infotainments. I dislike such waste of time, thus with only one push on my remote, I can get to watch other news channel.

Anyway, I also can understand perfectly how it feels to watch such absurd and obnoxious marriage feast — comparing to the idea of saving more food for citizens mired in poverty. The luxurious wedding appeared so Cinderella like dream in the recent emergence of an urban consumer society in Indonesia. The fabulous ‘kebaya’, the multilayered cake, abundant flowers, attendants and guests in their finery. The white wedding does more than mark a life passage. It’s just like a fairy tale in the midst of Charles Dicken’s Oliver Twist.

Despite Indonesia's rapid economic growth and the prosperity of the middle class, the country remains the home to about 28 millions of the world's hungry poor. Looming high inflation and rising food prices will deprive these people more of their two square meals a day. It’s a big irony comparing the two world of realities of the Have and the Haven’t. Therefore, it is understandable to have the feeling that such ostentatious wedding meaningless as more and more marriages are failing. Such show-off seems unnecessary because there have been instances where marriage hasn't lasted for even six months.

In a diverse country like Indonesia, not everyone is extremely poor or extremely rich. Weddings, lavish or humble, should depend on the two families and their respective status. If someone wants to have a dainty wedding, then they should be allowed to have their special day according to themselves. Banning something so trivial is of no use and the KPI should concentrate on more important aspects. There are more damaging soap operas and shows that should be scrutinized thoroughly for having violence, lewd behaviors, pornographic materials and biased political news coverage.

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