Another incident, if not outright scandal, has arisen in the
latest arrest of North Sumatra Governor Gatot Pujo Nugroho, a prosperous
justice party politician along with his second wife, Evi Susanti, in relation
to his alleged role as financial backer in a scheme to bribe three judges in
Medan. The case has implicated one of the prominent senior lawyers, OC Kaligis
as well whom to our utter disbelief an avid practitioner of polygamous
marriage. This case highlights again the sensitive issue of polygamy that
incessantly sparks fiery debate.
Instantly, my memory flashed an imagine of the ragged figure of
a poor widow who happened to be one of my neighbors experiencing the horror of
Polygamy. Drown in tears; she regretted her decision to be second wife when her
husband died. Out of grief and uncertainty, she confided that being a second
wife of a retired low rank officer in the armed forces, she did not entitled to
any inheritance of his late husband, let alone financial support for her two
young sons. She found herself not in good terms with the official wife as she
was married in 'nikah siri' fashion or unregistered marriage. As a result, she
lost her sole breadwinner and started from scratch to finance her shattered
On the other side of a coin, my close neighbor back at my
hometown experienced similar nightmare. From scratch, she built a family with
her husband. Coming from low income families, they both had to work nail to toe
for their four children. As their household prospered, she had to face a bitter
cold reality to find her husband having nikah siri with a much younger woman
just because their religion allows men to have polygamous marriage. A fresh
flesh with attractive appearance!
Truthfully, she felt betrayed and conflicted. She knew it was
her husband's rights to have another wife at their bed. Yet, in return for the
privilege, is it justified to rob her rights and peace? Her heart broke which
resulted in her having miscarriage. She was forced to accept this situation due
to her economic dependence to her husband. She succumbed in defeat while her
husband kept flirting around with younger flesh.
Left to me if I was put in such situation, I would boil with
rage as well!
Being a second wife without the consent of the official wife
means you ruin one good family, hurting other's woman feeling and her children.
Worse, you put yourself in dire situation legally and socially.
A good marriage is meant to guarantee security for the woman.
Polygamy as practiced by our men simply does not offer this anymore because
often time the first woman is abandoned or get lesser attention. No woman wants
this. We are not sex toys men can replace with the new ones when they get tired
of us! We are not merchandise for trade either!
Having said so, demanding a monogamous relationship does not
make us, women, less pious or becoming ignorant! It does not make us evil
either as claimed by the polygamous practitioners for shutting the doors close
for women who have not yet found a suitable husband because the number of women
exceeds men. There's not yet a legit statistics for such a claim! It is just a
justification used by men who are too weak to keep their pants on! Why should
their Achilles heel get women responsible to bear their pain? It does not make
any sense at all!
Islam is beautiful and does not condone to justify an act that
brings misery to any human being. Instead, Islam brings protection for
women and put them in lofty place.
History has showed us that many pious Muslim leaders and clerics
were able to stay in monogamous marriage and not swayed with their carnal
desires. Respected Buya Hamka, Haji Agus Salim, HOS Tjokroaminoto, Mohammad
Natsir, Abdurrahman Wahid, and BJ Habibie are Muslim leaders and clerics
as well as politicians who regarded women in their lofty place.
They know that it is almost impossible and there is hardly a
case where a man can balance all the duties required in a polygamous situation,
let alone distributing fairness which is prerequisite in Polygamy. It is
permitted in Islam in the context of war to offer protection to war orphans and
widows. Polygamy thus is a social provision for specific purpose and not just
for the sake of lustful satisfaction. The Prophet did not practice polygamy
while his beloved Khadijah (the first wife) was still alive. Then, many of the
Prophet’s 11 wives were widows because he used polygamy as a social provision
to protects widows due to wars.
Sadly, many rich Muslim businessmen and politicians advocate
polygamy for the sake of satiating their primal instinct. Truth is that many of
them are simply driven by lust and not any desire to fulfill any religious
Beautiful women at tender age become their prey. They do not
register the union with the civil authorities, especially since polygamy in
Indonesia is frown upon by the state. They treated women as objects of
exploitation, sexual objects to take women through religion economics and
status bargaining. As a result, these women become vulnerable to be victims of
abuses and marginalisation. Because of the lack of legislation in the matter,
the legal system cannot do much.
This phony reason to get more than one wife is what make
polygamy stamped as oppressive and is ridiculed. While Islam liberates and
highly regards women in high place, it is the actions of its followers that
twist the initial noble goal of Polygamy. These men, instead of respecting
women, they treat women as merchandise, a gift they can dispose of whenever
they have new ones! Worse, they make their numerous wives as partners in crimes
for money laundering and messengers of crimes to bribe judges. This is just
If these men are truly champion of polygamy the way exactly
practiced by the Prophet to protect the helpless widows, then I want to see them
marry women who are really in great needs of help without the benefit of looks
and tender age. If these men who claim to pious and respectable, only
marry beautiful young women, then what would be the fate of women with plain
face and poor financial background? Where's the noble goal in such phony
polygamy? They are then no different with kings and tyrants in the old days
when they take concubines and mistresses just because they have power and
Alas, the irony of men!
"The way to be at peace and free from the anxieties of
unjust behavior is to have only one wife…. I have had plenty children with both
of them. Day and night, I feel unrest since there is one thing I always think
of: fairness. …. Never experiment with polygamy since we are dealing with
humans. I myself am weak in this case, Abdulmalik.”
— Hamka, Tafsir al-Azhar
— Hamka, Tafsir al-Azhar
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