Sunday, January 27, 2008

Selamat Jalan Jendral ...

Innalillahiwainna illahi raji'un ... the smiling general had passed away... a man of controversy...loved by many ...hated by many...

After weeks of struggle, The smiling general had released his last breath yesterday. His life that had been relied entirely on many supporting life instruments could no longer tolerate his worsening condition. No matter how hard the attempts to save his life, NO ONE, not even expensive medical treatment and doctors, could STOP God's will.

Many suffered great loss with his death. It's seen in the thousands of people flooded in his residence. For 32 years of ruling, he had carved many achievements. He was entitled as The Father of Development. There's not much riots or chaos during his ruling as he governed with 'iron' fist. Many enjoyed a high extent of security and welfare. On the other hand, many also suffered great agonies by his ruling. A protest would be silenced. Prostesters would be captured and tortured with no legal prosecution. Families tasted the fear and loss of their relatives. Yes, he is a man of controversy.

As human, he should be forgiven for all his deeds because despite his dictatorship, he had achieved much. "Our only fault is to let him rule far too long," said one of his former minister.

Guruh Soekarnoputra said that the people should forgive him but let the legal prosecution kept carried out. Our country is based on law so let's us respect it. I personally agree with this statement. Afterall, he had led this country for 32 years and carved many achievements. However, the law must be enacted...just like the case of Marcos of Philippine. Upon his death, the legal process was carried on and millions dollars could finnaly returned to the people.

Farewell general, may he rest in peace...

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