Tuesday, October 16, 2012

There is no such Thing of an Absolute Freedom of Expression


Freedom of speech and expression is always guaranteed in every democratic society. It is an ideal adage but it often ends up into a hollow slogan, and worse, disabused. The right of freedom of expression has always been the object of tension, struggle and contest, between the State and the citizens and within society itself. I believe no freedom is absolute, not even the freedom of expression. It is wrong to justify the act of those who pontificate that they have an absolute right to do whatever they please in the name of such freedom. Freedom of expression should not be taken blindly, ignoring religious sensitivity, ethics, and social values. Such freedom does not provide a person the right to do things that are detrimental to society as a whole, plunging it into an endless chaos and anarchy. The presence of values, ethics and laws is to protect and respect the rights of individuals as well as their religious and social values. For that reason, freedom of expression should not transgress or violate these values.

It is therefore, when European countries saw the controversial inflammatory anti-Islamic film, The Innocence of Muslims, as an expression of artistic freedom, it was considered a blasphemy, a sacrilege to the most revered belief by many Muslims and most believers alike. It was an abuse of freedom of expression. Freedom of expression does not mean we have the right to curse, abuse or disrespect others or scorn and contempt a certain faith. Such freedom should walk hand in hand with self-control and respect. It should take heed the greater interest of the public. The primary goal of media after all is to inform, criticize and to correct with professional finesse and grace, giving an edge to its commitment to serve the public interest. Hence, member of the press should be extra careful while documenting, reporting and cartooning their work to avoid disrespect of any faith, culture and race. It is important to “Think before you speak or write". Every action has consequences. Let our common sense lead the way. If we say or write what we want or please only without any conscience whatsoever, then we are no better than animals. If you walk around naked in the name of freedom of expression, do you think any society at all will accept such behavior? If you want to have sex wherever you want with whoever you want in the naked eyes of public in the name of freedom of expression, will any decent society tolerate this? I don’t think so because every society has its own red lines to avoid such absolute freedom. When people have a problem conducting themselves in a proper manner, they have to be reined in. For that very reason, every society needs rules to avoid chaos and anarchy.

Media has the responsibility to help society maintain better understanding and communication among people of different faiths, cultures and races without disrespecting others’ faith, race, and values. It should promote such ideals to make the world a better place to live in whether it is in the West or East. There is not an absolute freedom of expression as it always defines its limits. Therefore, to prevent anarchy and chaos, it is necessary to sanction or even prevent expression which spread, incite, promote or justify hatred based on intolerance (including religious intolerance) as guaranteed by the existing rules and regulatio

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