Sunday, April 20, 2014


At 7.00 a.m on April. 9, The Indonesian legislative race was officially underway. There was an exciting buzz around the neighborhood as polling stations started to open. People flocked to cast their vote. Parents came with their children in tow. Door prizes were offered to attract more voters. The election fever pitch rose by the hour.

Despite the racket, my husband and I chose to stay at home, lazing around in this extra one day off. Thanks Heaven, we were not infected by the craze fever. In fact, we chose not to waste our vote for the political circus. Oh yes! We have lost our faith in the candidates brawl and empty promises!

It’s hard to find honest politicians with integrity. We have been cheated, mistreated and let down over and over again. Looking for the right candidates is like looking a needle in the haystack.

And who would dare to blame us? With the constant under-performance of our political representatives and growing resentment at the rampant, corrupt practices deeply rooted in the legislative and executives’ bodies, what choice do we have?

Personally, I have lost my trust in the politicians and political parties alike. They always busy to save their own neck, bickering around and use any means necessary to accumulate wealth for their own selfish reason. History repeats itself. Once these crooked politicians got the seat, they would not keep their promises. Their constituents mean greatly only approaching the Election Day. Once it’s over, they dump them to die on the streets of poverty and despair. Yup…they are such an ungrateful bunch of savages.

Their integrity lessens inch by inch on daily basis as more and more politicians and power holders alike are mired with corruption and rampant abuse of power, the latter being of course the embryo, albeit the very womb from which all manner of corruption is hatched.

Integrity becomes a rare commodity. Integrity as a quality encompasses many of the best and most admirable traits in a man: honesty, uprightness, trustworthiness, fairness, loyalty and the courage to keep one’s word and one’s promises regardless of the consequences, is on the verge of extinction. It is drowned in the superficial campaigns and apathetic rhetoric. Their promises and speeches nakedly expose the sordid underbelly beneath their camouflage of their respectable façade. They literally only talk the talk, and fail to walk the talk.

Apparently, my husband and I are not the only one to lose confidence in the political showdown on this legislative election. Many share similar view on the election. It is not surprising the number of abstainers or non-voters tends to rise dramatically in line with the mounting dissatisfaction towards the worsening performance of the people’s representatives and resentment at the corruption rampant in either in the legislative or executives bodies. In 2004 election, the figure of non-voters rose sharply to more than double to 23.2 percent, and almost triple in the 2009 elections. I believe the figure in 2014 also increases significantly, which has been predicted to reach more than 40%.

A quick glance at the never-ending news headlines trumpeting the latest scandal and tale of corruption and immoral activities of politicians in the bodies shows the worsening conducts of political elites. Liar extraordinaire. Scoundrel without a shred of personal integrity. Unwilling to follow the laws they themselves created!

They have lost public trust because they act in opposite of the highest standards of honesty and integrity. They cannot hope to retain the confidence of the public unless they are recognized as honest and effective politicians, settling anything less than extremely high standards of integrity.
Instead of travelling the length and breadth of the country, addressing audiences at mass rallies where they appear alongside with dangdut singers and members handing out T-shirts and stickers, and often cash, these politicians should establish their integrity to gain the public trust. Without it, they are just like disgrace beggars in grand luxurious clothing amidst the slums that nobody would want to vote for them, let alone trust them.

They should realize that it is their responsibility to be truthful, ethical and effective - as leaders, lawmakers, and as human beings. If you give your word, keep it! If you say something, keep it truthful and don't try to spin it. One with integrity and honesty will perform their task to the best of their ability. Their own desires and needs will be put aside when on the job.

 In short, to effectively lead and garner support from their constituents, they should walk the talk and build an indisputable trust and integrity. Only when they succeed to nurture such qualities, then public will willingly cast their vote.

Having said that, I think that criminalizing non-voters or brand it as ‘haram’ is baseless and ridiculous. Not to vote is also the right of every citizen. Instead of condemning them, their behavior of distrusting politicians should be taken as a warning for politicians that they should rebuild their integrity and improve performance. It shows how people in the grass root have been so sick and disgusted with corruption. Thus, committed politician should take this as constructive criticisms to uphold zero tolerance for corrupt practices.

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