Wednesday, February 1, 2012

One Biggest Fatal Mistake That Ruins Life

Have you ever committed one big stupid mistake in your life that changes your life 180 degrees overnight? Have you ever wished you could turn back the hands of time to avoid such foolish reckless mistake? Well… I am certain most of you will say “Yeah…I did.” But I’m sure it’s not as horrendous as what film producer Afriyani Susanti had done. The public had condemned her with mockery, disdain, scorn and curses. The day after the horrific fatal accident last January 22 at Tugu Tani in Central Jakarta, she became most wanted public enemy. Drunk and high, she drove her Xenia car that tragically claimed nine innocent lives, and severely injured three others. Her car smashed into a number of pedestrians in Tugu Tani as she could not control her speeding vehicle in such a state. Now, she has to face murder charges after the police beforehand accused her of having violated the Traffic Law for driving under the influence of narcotics and without a driver’s license. It was an accident, and I believe taking nine innocent lives was not even present in her wildest imagination. Her biggest fatal error was driving the car while she was under the influence of alcohol and drugs which she could have avoided if she only used her common sense. It was her choice in the first place to join the party, taking the alcohol, swallowing the drugs, and got into that driver’s seat. She took all those choices, thus she was in full responsibility of her action, albeit the fact that it was a tragic accident. I feel sorry for her but I feel most sorry for the victims and their families.

Lesson learned from this incident is no matter how much peculiar your lifestyle might be, you have to make sure that your action does not bring harms to others. Yeah… I don’t have any objection people enjoying parties, having a little drink, taking a little sip of drugs as long as they don’t bring any harm to others… as long as they maintain their decency in public. It’s their life and we have no control over their morality. We know such lifestyle will bring only damages to their life, and over time they will come to their senses if they are smart enough. Reserved that lifestyle to yourselves, and if you are high and drunk, please have a common sense to hail a cab to take you home, instead of driving in such wretched circumstances. Drinking and taking drugs is stupid enough. While driving under the influence of those dangerous substances is just crazy and totally irresponsible. Don’t ever put others in grave dangers for your silly mischief.

It’s heartbreaking to see the families of the victims wailed and mourned for their lost loved ones. Their beloved have been snatched away in such cruel way by a reckless and an irresponsible driver. It’s also heartbreaking to see Afriyani’s mother begged for forgiveness in tears last night in TV One to the families. Not to mention the shame she would bear in witnessing the public mock and scorn her daughter. A Photo of her daughter has even edited and pasted as a joke. The day after the incident, I received email on such photo with tagline “if you want to commit a mass suicide, just call me..bla..bla…bla…something like that.” It was a silly joke. It was after all a tragic accident which could have avoided if only Afriyani had been sober. Alcohol and drug kill!!! They Destroy lives!!!

Anyhow, no one can turn back the time. No matter how much Afriyani wanted to rewind the clock, it would fail. Now, she has to to live with the fact that she allegedly killed nine people. She has to pay the consequences of her choices. For her, it is her biggest fatal mistake that ruins not only her life but also others'

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