Monday, May 26, 2008

My Acrophobia

Last night, on my way home I had to cross over a bridge for I had something to buy at the's about 20 metres high and below was a busy traffic. Then, a sudden panic attacked heart raced and my body was trembling. Everytime, I looked down, I was panic as if both sides of the bridge trying to suck me out and threw me down. I had to hold to its railing and stopped many times just to take a breath.I walked so slowly. It took me 15 minutes to get cross over while the walk should have only taken 5 minutes. It's the longest walk I had to make. I was relieved when I finally safely got to my destination...

This irrational fear overcame me. I remembered I had several times take similar bridge but usually I walked with my husband or a friend of mine so the panic attack was not too much. Once, I was alone and the same fear engulfed me but not as scary as last night. I still dont know since when I suffer this 'acrophobia'.

Acrophobia is one of the most phobias and is an extreme fear of heights, which can induce feelings of panic, panic attacks, nausea and dizziness if a person is exposed to heights.Ehm, I suffer some of the sympthoms. Strangely, not all heights frighten me...I used to climb up highest mountains in my residence, and played at high trees during my child....and still love climb up trees untill now, lol. It does not scare me to cross a bridge above water or any high bridge as long as below is not traffic and i am now wondering, do I suffer acrophobia???

Anyway, last night experience has left traumatic impact on me. I dont want to cross a bridge (high bridge) on highways without the company of my husband or my friends...except if there's no way avoiding it, lol.

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