Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Alhamdulillah, on day 24 I have completed juz 22 and now in the end of juz 23. Time flies so fast... It's just a few days left before the most beloved darling and lover would soon be gone for another year. We had to wait another one year to meet this most precious one again if only we still had the chance.

Allâhumma bârik lanâ fî rajabin wa sya`bân, wa ballighnâ syahra ramadhân, wa a`inna `alash shiyâmi wal-qiyâmi wa hifzhil lisân wa ghadhdhil bashir, walâ taj’al hazhzhanâ minhul jû`a wal-`athasy.

(Ya Allah, berkahi kami di bulan Rajab dan Sya’ban, dan sampaikan kami ke bulan Ramadhan. Bantulah kami untuk melaksanakan puasa, melakukan shalat malam, menjaga lisan dan memelihara pandangan; dan jangan jadikan puasa kami hanya sekedar lapar dan dahaga.)”

O, Master of The Day of Requital

Save and keep us away from any evil which You have decreed

Oh Giver of refuge for those who seek refuge

I seek shelther in You from words of fitna and hate

O, Creator of heaven and earth

save and keep us away from false worng doings

O, Raiser of the fallen;Who answers the calls of the dejected

do not let us fall into the pit of fire

do not let us fall into the trap of our enemies

that spread words of lies

and cast their eyes on us with hatred and malice

O, The Most Merciful

We seek forgiveness

from any evils and crimes that we have comitted

O, Lord of all Lords

Guide us by Your favor among those whom you have guided

Keep us away from the evil of the tongue

save us from the evil of dark heart

do not our friends turn into our enemies

O, Allah all praise is due to You

Hear my prayers

and show us the way

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