Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Eyes

You're the window to the world

a door to see the gaiety of nature

the beauty of majestic universe

where spring paints perfect color of freshly newly leaves and flowers

summer portrays a tune in color of golden ray

autums gives magnificent portrait of changing colors

and winters decorates the earth with soft white snows

you're also key witness

to the sadness of mourning universe

where men kill one another

built thousand wars of bloodshed and tears

where nature is dying

unable to bear all the glutonny of the race

ripping all resources without mercy

polluted the air with poisonous toxic

of the millions factories and industries

spring became too hot to enjoy

summer turned into a boiling hell

autumn struck with stormy ice hail

and winter got too damn cold

All were laid in front of the eyes

sent millions of signals to the brain

to foresee, think and react

to draw wisdom in any aspect of seeing

a proof of Lord Greatness

of priceless gift

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